PUC Result 2018: Karnataka PUC Result 2018 – Karnataka Class 12th examination result announce on official site www.karresults.nic.in and www.pue.kar.nic.in
Karnataka PUC Result 2018
Karnataka PUC or 12th or Pre-university exams can be considered as one of the important parts of every student and college across the state, as it gives out an idea or brief details about students entering graduation colleges. The PUC or 12th standard results are usually announced in the May or June and this year, it looks like the results would come somewhere in the month of May 2018. The students from all the streams like Science, Arts, and Commerce are eagerly waiting for the results, as it helps them to decide on the university or the college in an effective way. Most of the Science students would look forward to getting results at the earliest, as it helps them to choose the college and the course based on the results and the interest.
There are over 8 lakh candidates, who have taken up exams from different groups and colleges. The exams are conducted in common across the state and it acts as an entrance exam for them to determine their future in terms of choosing a particular college or course. The technology has helped people to check their results over different websites and applications on the mobile phone. Providing different options can help in people having any kind of confusion over their results and marks, which indeed helps them to apply for the revaluation or supplementary exams for a particular subject or more subjects at one shot.
How to check the results
It is important for every student to be well aware of the date and the source of seeing the results. Unlike olden times, the results are not published in newspapers or notice boards in the respective colleges. The results are provided through different websites and applications on the mobile phone. Online way of checking results is the modern way of using the technology and it has helped a lot of people to check their results in an easy way.
Websites and mobile apps
The online ways of checking result can be highly beneficial, as it helps you to check from any location. Results are available by visiting www.pue.kar.nic.in and one can use their register or roll number to check the result. The examinations would be held in the month of February and March 2018 and the results of the exams would be announced in the last week of May 2018. The board has already announced the approximate dates and the results would be available to view on the website or related application on the mobile phone.
When will it be released?
As per the recent update, the results would be released in the month of May 2018 through websites and mobile applications. The date is just an approximate date, which can be changed based on the situation. As soon as the results are announced by the Karnataka state education board and will be available to see it on both websites and apps on the mobile phone.
Information available on the result
The resulting sheet may end up confusing to a few people, as the particulars of the result sheet are many. The result can be seen only with the help of register number or roll number, as it is important to use the unique set of words or numbers to find the accurate set of results on the screen.
As soon as you enter the roll number on the screen, you get to ask for the confirmation before displaying the results on the screen. The results can be seen and taken a print on a paper, which can help you to keep it as a record and to show it, friends and family. Ensure to look at your personal details on the marks sheet, as it helps you to find out the accurate results on the screen.
Some of the compulsory particulars of Exam results would be
Roll Number
Name of the student
Father’s name
Mother’s name
Theory Marks
Practical marks
Grade points
How to check Karnataka PUC Results 2018
Step 1 – Visit the website http://karresults.nic.in
Step 2 – look out for PUC results on the screen and click on the option
Step 3 – Select general result for the PUC results
Step 4 – Enter the registration number or roll number in the given field
Step 5 – The results will be displayed on the screen
Step 6 – Check for personal details like father’s name and Mother’s name before taking a print
Step 7 – After confirmation, you can take a print out on a piece of paper.
While checking for PUC results, do not panic and try to check in multiple locations just to be sure about the information on the website. For more details, you can check out the official website.
About Karnataka PUC Result
The Karnataka PUC or Pre-university Exam results can be considered as a much-awaiting result every year, as most of the science students prefer to take up engineering or medicine from different colleges in various locations. The KSEEB or the board of Karnataka provides results in the month of May and helps students to apply for revaluation and for supplementary almost immediately. The KSEEB or Karnataka State Secondary Education Examination takes care of every process happens while the exam is taking place and to publish results in an effective way. The board is responsible for determining the policy about administrative, intellectual and cognitive directions of the higher education system. The diverse courses in the PUC are organized and conduct to students every year and ensure to have a peaceful flow both in terms of exams and results. The board executes and governs different kinds of activities, which includes various courses of study, syllabus and conducting examinations successfully in different centers or colleges. The board handles both SSLC and PUC examinations every year, where people from different states take up exams in huge numbers. There are over 8 lakh students, who take up PUC or 12th Class exams, which is usually conducted across the state for both current and old students.